
Results 1-20 of 189 for Intuit.

Be It Resolved: Systemd Shall Serve DNS

Our topic today is configuring desktop Linux DNS settings. It’s simple in principle and can yield privacy, security, and availability benefits. Yet despite how straightforward it is in theory and historically was in practice, customizing your device’s DNS is no longer an intuitive matter.


If Only Documentation Looked as Clean as the Code

What makes good documentation? Fundamentally it's about organization and ease of visual tracking. Here are some manifestations of that, in no particular order.

Independent Distros Blend Ideas and Innovate User Experiences

There's a growing trend among Linux developers and users who are gravitating toward independent distributions that provide unique solutions, the autonomy to modify code, and independence from the constraints of established base Linux distributions' dependencies.


GitHub Hides Code Flaw Reports, New RHEL and AlmaLinux, Amazon Deploys DentOS

November put a shining spotlight on the progress open-source technology offers with significant announcements from industry leaders.

Compelling Tech Products To Put on Your Holiday Shopping Radar

It's the time of year when I'm fortunate enough to evaluate new tech products that I believe merit attention. Keep in mind that my comments are not intended as deep-dive reviews but as initial impressions to spur you to do further investigation and research.


Unix Basics It Pays To Know

It pays to know these Unix basics considering there is often a Unix/Unix-like OS somewhere in the abstraction hierarchy. If that layer is unsound, the whole edifice risks collapse.

New Linux Laptop Line Advances HP, System76 Open-Source Collaboration

HP’s new Dev One, powered by System76’s popular Pop!_OS Linux distribution, empowers developers to create their ideal work experience with multiple tools to help them perform tasks at peak efficiency not available on other computing platforms.

OSS News: Learn More Linux, More Zen for ML, Desktop Linux New and Old

As 2021 comes to a close, here's a roundup of some of the latest developments in the world of Linux and open-source software. On the menu we have: Linux Foundation training courses; more Linux desktop features; new OS releases; and a fresh approach to help data scientists handle machine learning.


Hunting for Kernel Glitches, DevSec Tools, Edge for Linux, More Ubuntu Outlets

Today LinuxInsider introduces a bimonthly news column to summarize some of the Linux and open-source consumer and enterprise events scattered around the Linux Sphere. Look forward to an assortment of topics that will keep Linux users and open-source supporters up to speed with new developments.

Tile Product Line Refresh Heats Up Competition in Smart Tracker Market

Item tracker maker Tile refreshed its product line Tuesday and announced it will be introducing a new ultra-wideband product in 2022. "With a longer finding range, louder ring and voice-enabled finding through Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, we're making it even easier for people to quickly find ...


Microsoft’s Open-Source Pivot Is Creating a Great Place to Work

Microsoft isn't just building for the future. The company is focusing on tools that will allow an ever-broader group of people to program for themselves. At the heart of this plan is Microsoft's pivot to open source; and while there were several benefits of that action highlighted at Microsoft Build...


Bolt-On Security the Linux Way

In this piece, I aim to provide a range of simple but effective options for encrypting a small number of files. In particular, these options are salient for use cases like tax filing, where users are sending sensitive documents to recipients with an unknown degree of technical proficiency. Fond as I...

Microsoft, Intel Team Up to Clamp Down on Cryptominers

As cryptocurrency values continue to rise, cryptojacking becomes more attractive to cybercriminals. Now, a powerful hardware-based threat detection technology is being integrated into a Microsoft enterprise security product to help protect businesses from cryptojacking malware. The action integrate...


Trisquel Linux Wraps Polish and Productivity Into Four User Needs

Trisquel Linux is one of those computing staples you wished you knew about much sooner. This Linux distribution has been around literally for years and is extremely polished. It offers a family of Linux editions that meet or exceed the needs of home users, small enterprises, and educational centers....

The ‘Unix Way’ Has a Right Way That’s Almost a Lost Way

As I study tech sector innovations, I see signs that the old traditions are fading. I'm not one to sanctify tradition for tradition's sake, but I see merit in maintaining a traditional approach to computing tasks that encourages shrewdness. To illustrate what I mean, these are some ways we are stray...

Where Will the Penguin March From Here?

Linux began its life as a humble experiment in Unix porting, but from there it quickly became a popular kernel for server OSes due to its low cost and customizability. From there it morphed to power network appliances and Android, proving it was lean enough for a whole gamut of embedded systems. It'...


Newest RoboLinux 11 Update Goes Far Beyond Typical Linux

RoboLinux is one of the most advanced desktop Linux distributions you can find. The latest release is even better, making it potentially THE best Linux variety available today for desktop users. The Oct. 9 release of RoboLinux 11.13 is an upgraded build of the project's Ubuntu-based distribution. Bu...


PsychOS: A Crazy Cool Distro That Pushes Linux Limits

One of the great joys of constantly checking out new or obscure Linux operating systems is finding some insane innovations that stand out from the crowded collection of distros. The current release of PsychOS Linux, code-named "Insane," possibly might blow your mind. This distro is really an off-the...


POP!_OS Delivers Outstanding GNOME Experience

POP!_OS 20.04 has the potential to be one of the best starting points for any new Linux user. Given this distro's rising popularity, it will continue to hold that distinction. That is a bold statement, but developer System76, has made some bold moves in pushing this Linux distro to the forefront. Th...


MakuluLinux Delivers Modernity With New Core Platform

If you are looking for a well-designed Linux distro that is far from mainstream, loaded with performance features not found elsewhere, check out the 2020 upgrade of the MakuluLinux Core distro. It could change your perspective on what a daily computing driver should offer. Developer Jacque Montague ...

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