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Results 21-40 of 220 for Dana Gardner

IBM Acquisition Would Leave Sun Out in the Cold

From the perspective of IT users, developer communities and global industry as a whole, IBM may be the worst place for beleaguered Sun Microsystems to land ...


Sun-IBM Deal Just Doesn’t Add Up

Someone has floated a trial balloon, through a leak to The Wall Street Journal, that IBM is in "talks" to buy Sun Microsystems for US$6.5 billion. The only party that would leak this information is Sun itself, and it smacks of desperation in trying to thwart an unwanted acquisition, or to positively impact another deal that Sun is weak in ...


Who Benefits From IBM-Amazon Cloud Deal? Oracle

It just goes to show how perplexing the gathering cloud marketplace is that the punditry are hesitant to meaningfully analyze this important development ...

IT Repositories Smooth Out Merger Wrinkles

When large businesses need to change fast, the IT systems need to do more than keep up with change -- they need to manage, define and secure it. IT repositories are now effectively orchestrating multiple enterprise systems of record that must quickly operate together as result of massive mergers and acquisitions ...


Will Oracle’s Beehive Sting Microsoft Where It Hurts?

You have to give Oracle credit for persistence. The software giant has been trying to build out its groupware business for nearly 10 years, and has as yet modest success ...


MapReduce and the Database: Analytics in Hyperdrive

In what could best be termed a photo finish, Greenplum and Aster Data Systems have both announced that they have integrated MapReduce into their massively parallel processing (MPP) database engines ...


Jumping Into the Software Application Lifecycle Cockpit

In an effort to shine more light on the traditional "dark art" of software development, Borland Software on Monday announced Borland Management Solutions (BMS). The three-pronged product leverages Borland's Open Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) framework, and is designed to enable users to better orchestrate, measure, predict and improve software delivery...


Eclipse Release Is Great but Doesn’t Reach the Cloud

Not all trains run on time, but the Eclipse Foundation has kept to its schedule with its annual release train, this year named "Ganymede." ...


Will Iona’s Open Source Strategy Survive Progress Acquisition?

Call it a Route 128 SOA date. Progress Software is buying Iona Technologies for a little more than US$100 million in actual value, broadening Progress' service-oriented architecture (SOA) portfolio significantly and catapulting Progress into the open source software infrastructure arena ...


HP’s IT Lifecycle Vision

HP opened the second day of its Software Universe event Wednesday in Las Vegas with "product day," but the presentations seemed more about process -- the processes that usher application definitions and development into real world use ...

Reinventing a Giant, Part 2: The New SAP

"This is going to be a long haul for SAP," Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, told CRM Buyer. "This is really a rather monumental undertaking; really a five- to 10-year affair. "One of the major principles about SOA is that you break down applications as...

SOA: Full Speed Ahead – but Watch for Potholes

To date, companies have been unwilling to make such investments. "The ramp-up to SOA has moved along slower than many of us anticipated," admitted Dana Gardner, president and principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Meanwhile, the term itself has become hard to pin down for...


HP and EDS: A Match Made in the Cloud

HP's now officially pending EDS buy for just shy of US$14 billion positions the combined companies to organize and manage the hosted/on-premises mix to maximum efficiency and lowest total cost of ownership. It's a great goal to shoot for because all they have to do is beat IBM ...


WOA: An Acronym in Search of a Meaning

Mike Meehan at has done some homework on the use of Web Oriented Architecture (WOA), and the IT folks in the field are fed up. Enough with the labels, they seem to be saying ...

Plenty of Reasons to Try Platform as a Service

Dana Gardner: It's important when we look at the speed of development to appreciate that three or four folks in a garage in Northern California can come up with a mashed-up service and go out and create a social networking company, for example, quick and easy -- and at low expense. And then, here you are in an enterprise, taking six months to work through a requirements process. It seems as if something has got to change...


Eclipse’s Equinox Smooths Out Runtime Issues

Tony Baer has a great rundown of Monday's EclipseCon OSGi-based runtime Equinox news. Extending the Eclipse community's unity to runtimes makes a ton of sense, given that developers can focus on the applications and business logic and become far less concerned with complex deployment issues. Write once, run anywhere? ...


Microsoft, Sun Taking the Right Interop Path

What a nut I was. Back when Sun Microsystems and Microsoft announced they would be joining forces on interoperability between Sun, nee Java, and .NET (remember Steve Ballmer [of "Ballmer and Butthead" fame] and Scott McNealy sitting side by side), I thought they meant it ...


What Are All Those Logs Trying to Tell You?

Gaining more insights early and often into what vast arrays of servers, routers and software stacks are actually doing has long been on the top of the IT wish list. Traditional IT management approaches force the trade-off between depth and comprehensive reach, meaning you can't get the full, integrated picture across mixed systems with sufficient clarity...

Who’s Winning the RIA Horse Race?

In the world of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), the battle for hearts and minds -- not to mention eyeballs and desktops -- heated up this week when Adobe Systems took the wraps off the beta version of its Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) and slotted it for public release ...

Making It Easy to Build a Service-Oriented Architecture

Promising hefty productivity increases and a lower TCO (total cost of ownership), Tibco Software this week announced its beefed-up ActiveMatrix 2.0, which aims to simplify building and managing service-oriented architectures (SOAs) ...

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