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Results 60-66 of 66 for Elizabeth Blakey

U.S.-Asian E-Commerce Alive and Clicking

While still facing language and cultural challenges in the international e-commerce arena, Asian e-commerce is set to boom at home, and U.S. companies smelling opportunity are already diving into the region with big-dollar investments ...

Red, White and Blue… Sold!

As online shopping rapidly gains acceptance in U.S. society, the auction houses of cyberspace have begun to sell some of the most cherished items of American culture to the highest bidder ...

Lands’ End Brings Virtual Swimsuits to the Net

Catalog-and-click retailer Lands' End has introduced a virtual spin to this year's bathing suit shopping season by making its interactive"Personal Model" available to online shoppers who want to see what different swimsuits would look like on their body type. The feature allows anonymous or registered shoppers to choose from a variety of face shapes, hair colors, skin tones and physical proportions to create custom models that "try on" Lands' End swimwear. The models can be turned around to show several different views...

Trapped on the Web?

Most e-commerce companies, including pure plays and brick-and-clicks, have come to understand that content is King and that product selection is critical. If a site is poorly designed, however, compelling content and a variety of products do not count for much ...

Quantum Leap for Internet Movies

The first celebrity-driven film produced exclusively for online distribution made its premiere last week, and the producer says there are no plans to exhibit the film in theatres. "Quantum Project,'' starring British comic actor John Cleese, is available for download from for $3.95 (US$) ...

eToys at the Crossroads

eToys, Inc. (Nasdaq: ETYS) was a nearly ubiquitous presence in the news this week, as the online toy seller launched a splashy, summer-themed marketing campaign in advance of a mixed quarterly report ...

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