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Results 140-150 of 150 for Louis Columbus

IBM Enters the World of Rugged Computing

"Military standards for ruggedization have always been an attractive market for manufacturers," AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told TechNewsWorld ...


Rugged Computing: The Consumer Trajectory

"Military standards for ruggedization have always been an attractive market for manufacturers," AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told TechNewsWorld. "The fact that combat efforts are now more coordinated than ever before electronically is invigorating the need for ruggedized electronics equipment."


RIM’s World-Capable Color BlackBerry 7230 Arrives

"I think it's perfect for the traveling CMO, marketing VP [or] CEO that isinvolved closely with any branding, marketing or sales strategies wherequick approval cycles are critical," AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told TechNewsWorld. "The BlackBerry has established itself as a very necessary part of the global productivity landscape."

PRODUCT PROFILE Launches CD-Based, Internet-Ready PC

"The WebStation is entirely consistent with the Linux approach of driving for a very low cost of ownership," Louis Columbus, senior research analyst at AMR Research, told TechNewsWorld. "This type of device can only serve to drive up the market share on the desktop, clearly the toughest of areas to gain leadership."


Building the Perfect E-Commerce Machine

When it comes to the ultimate server, though, AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told the E-Commerce Times that "Hewlett-Packard's rx5670 is a prime example." Brian Cox, product line manager of business critical systems at Hewlett-Packard, told the E-Commerce Times that until...

Lasting Benefits of the Dot-Com Bubble

For example, AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told the E-Commerce Times that dot-com mania brought integration to center stage. "Integration is king. That was a huge lesson," he said. Enterprises found that to develop a comprehensive e-commerce strategy, their applications...


What Is PayPal Really Worth to eBay?

AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus told the E-Commerce Times that he believes eBay and PayPal arrived at a fair price. However, he noted, "Paying more would have been pushing the ROI envelope." ...

How XML Is Changing E-Commerce

"It has really caught on in the last 12 months," Louis Columbus, an analyst with AMR Research, told the E-Commerce Times. He noted that XML has become somewhat of a de facto standard Columbus said that for enterprises to get the most out of order-management applications, a key...

Why E-Commerce Law Enforcement Is an Oxymoron

"Trying to regulate and control the mechanisms by which people gamble or do other illegal, immoral acts with the aid of the Internet is like trying to regulate who uses what freeway at a given time of day," Louis Columbus, an analyst with AMR Research, told the E-Commerce Times...

Idling Covisint Drives Home E-Marketplace Challenges

Another "real shot in the arm" for the exchange, according to AMR Research sell-side e-commerce senior analyst Louis Columbus, was an online auction held by DaimlerChyrsler through Covisint in May. Five suppliers participated in the four-day auction and over 1,200 parts changed hands. The total value of orders placed during the auction was $3 billion, the company said...

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