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Results 1-7 of 7 for Elbert Hannah

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How many out there use Linux? I bet if I asked 100 people, less than 10 percent would say yes. To be fair, people think in terms of computers, laptops, netbooks, and desktops, and that demographic is 90 percent Windows, 90 percent Microsoft-centric. But computers and OSes that power them permeate all aspects of our lives today. ...


The Corporate Hoax on Linux Revisited, or I Said It Once…

The very same corporations that are making small fortunes with Linux servers give short shrift to Linux Desktop, I argued in a recent article, setting off a spirited discussion. ...


Corporate America’s Cruel Linux Hoax

Corporate America is playing a cruel joke on Linux desktop. Businesses benefit from free Linux, improving their bottom line on the shoulders of Linux -- all the while ignoring (and damaging I think) the Linux desktop. ...


Linux Doesn’t Cost Anything – But Maybe It Should

Discussions, theses, theories and memes abound around Linux's inability to gain traction in the desktop marketplace. Some think the Linux Desktop is too hard to learn (it's not). Others say Linux Desktop is deficient (it's not). Linux elite (or 1337) say Linux wasn't really meant for the general users anyway (not true). Microsoft says Linux in general is evil (see the Halloween Memo) (oh, and by the way, it's not). ...

FOSS Debates, Part 3: Mission Control

The question of purpose is a "baffling" one, Elbert Hannah, coauthor of the O'Reilly book, Learning the vi and Vim Editors, told LinuxInsider. "Ask 10 people and you get 10 different answers, but the central theme usually harkens back to Richard Stallman." In general, "the int...

FOSS Debates, Part 2: Standard Deviations

A true standard is "open, not subject to heavy-handed litigation, widely used -- voluntarily, easy to use and adaptable," Elbert Hannah, coauthor of the O'Reilly book, Learning the vi and Vim Editors, told LinuxInsider Current examples -- at least in practice, if not strictly ...

FOSS Debates, Part 1: Kernel Truths

Indeed, "the kernel is Linux," agreed Elbert Hannah, coauthor of the O'Reilly book, Learning the vi and Vim Editors. "Everything else is GNU software. Linux is the kernel -- it's the heart and soul of Linux and the heart and soul of a movement. Without the Linux kernel, nothing else exists, nothing else runs."

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