
Results 1-20 of 595 for Apple.

Google vs. Apple Smartphones: Similar Capabilities, Polar Opposites in Strategic Execution

Apple's strategy is all about status and making you stand out as an Apple user, while Google's strategy is more about features and what you can do with its phones. In effect, Apple is more about form, appearance, and ease of use, while Google is more about function. Let's contrast Apple and Google s...

Tile Product Line Refresh Heats Up Competition in Smart Tracker Market

Item tracker maker Tile refreshed its product line Tuesday and announced it will be introducing a new ultra-wideband product in 2022. "With a longer finding range, louder ring and voice-enabled finding through Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, we're making it even easier for people to quickly find ...

New iPad Mini Stars at Apple Refresh Event

The iPad Mini was one of Apple's most important announcements at the new product event, maintained Tim Bajarin, president of Creative Strategies. "It uses the same chip that's in the iPhone 13, so they've given it incredible processing power," he told TechNewsWorld. "It's really a significant new u...

Unsupported IoT Devices Are Cyber-Trouble Waiting To Happen

Imagine finding out that your neighbor's identity was stolen and their life savings cleaned out by criminals who entered through their 'smart' washing machine. Ridiculous, you say? Well, have you checked your home Wi-Fi network lately? You might have several connected household gadgets and other dev...

Happy 30th Anniversary Linux! How We Got To Know Ya

August 25 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of a free computer operating system that revolutionized nearly every industry and helped spread the open-source movement globally. Today, Linux is everywhere in industry as it dominates servers and networking; is the driving force behind cloud comp...

Google Quietly Activates New Web Performance Metrics

Google went live earlier this summer with its new Core Web Vitals algorithm to determine search rankings. With the implementation of Core Web Vitals as a key component of its search algorithm, Google has made a well-considered decision to reward sites that perform the best and that have been specifi...


Microsoft’s Open-Source Pivot Is Creating a Great Place to Work

Microsoft isn't just building for the future. The company is focusing on tools that will allow an ever-broader group of people to program for themselves. At the heart of this plan is Microsoft's pivot to open source; and while there were several benefits of that action highlighted at Microsoft Build...

New Report Profiles Ransomware Cybergangs

That old adage about crime never pays could not be more false, at least when it comes to modern-day cybercriminals. For those bad actors using ransomware as their weapon, crime is paying more than ever. A new report by the eSentire security research team found that six ransomware gangs claimed at le...


Garuda Desktops Put a New Spin on Linux Looks

The Linux operating system is many things to many users. It is not a one-size-must-fit-all computing platform like Microsoft and Apple provide. A prime example of Linux's wide range of functionalities is easily found in Garuda Linux. Not typically available in mainstream distributions, its large ass...


New Netrunner 21.01 ‘XOXO’ Worthy of Hugs and Kisses

When I last visited the ever-changing Netrunner distribution, I said that Netrunner Linux still went its own way. That was its twentieth rebirthday upgrade over its then 10-year history in late February 2020. The same is true for Netrunner 21.01 XOXO -- now with more modern trappings. This new relea...

Silver Sparrow Malware Hatched on 30,000 Macs

Nearly 30,000 Macs have been infected with a new malware strain. Discovered by researchers at Red Canary, the malware has been sitting on it hosts waiting for a payload that never arrived. In a statement provided to TechNewsWorld, Apple said that upon discovering the malware, it revoked the certific...


What Does the Penguin Say?

Linux users love to chat, and few topics are so prevalent among users as distributions. A big one is a distro's suitability for beginners. Drawing in eager new users is the only way to grow the Linux community. Successful recruitment often hinges on making sure that newcomers start with a distro tha...

AdGuard Home: Another Brick in the Ad-Blocking Wall

Canonical's AdGuard Home Ubuntu Appliance is a new addition to the ranks of its appliances. With this offering, users can quickly implement a ready-made solution for blocking bothersome content at the network level on a home network. Doing so involves no more than downloading, installing, and bootin...


Linux: 29 Years and Counting as a Powerhouse OS

Today the Linux community is estimated to be more than 86 million users strong. Awareness of Linux in the enterprise was nonexistent 29 years ago. Since then, Linux has become the backbone of many large and small enterprises.

Calculate Linux 20th Anniversary: Consistent by Design

Calculate Linux is an impressively different Linux operating system. This is a distribution designed with home and SMB users in mind. It has expanded its user interface into an appealing selection of desktop choices over the years. Calculate is particularly appealing to small businesses that want a ...


The Case Against Full-Disk Encryption

The information security industry, with all its raging debates, has rallied around a small corpus of best practices. One of the highest on this list is full-disk encryption, which security experts regard as sacrosanct. This is the encryption that ensures that someone who snatches your device won't b...


Austrumi Linux Is Loaded With Language Laziness

Austrumi Linux is an unusual distribution. With a little more polish, it could be a good tool for running the Linux operating system on any computer you touch without changing anything on the hard drive. There lies the reason for my disappointment. That hope for polish is still missing.


Ubuntu Unity Distro: An Unofficial Desktop Revival

Perhaps one of the most missed Linux desktop environments is Ubuntu Unity Desktop. It was either loved or hated by users otherwise endeared to the vastly popular Ubuntu Linux OS. An infant cottage industry of sorts has made a smattering of appearances and disappearances with replacement Unity integr...


PsychOS: A Crazy Cool Distro That Pushes Linux Limits

One of the great joys of constantly checking out new or obscure Linux operating systems is finding some insane innovations that stand out from the crowded collection of distros. The current release of PsychOS Linux, code-named "Insane," possibly might blow your mind. This distro is really an off-the...


Linuxfx 10: A Smart, Easy Way to Transition From Windows

Linuxfx 10 could provide businesses and consumers with a Windows 7-like experience that puts users on a smooth downhill path to Linux adoption. Distributions that tweak styles and desktop environment settings to create a Windows-clone type of familiar experience are now numerous, but they often fail...

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