
Results 1-20 of 849 for Intel.

OSS News: A Linux Takeover in Germany, Distro Updates, New Projects, Linux Tutelage

Here are some of the latest developments in the world of open source software: A German state is switching 25,000 Windows PCs to Linux; updates to several Linux distros; The Linux Foundation creates the Quantum Intermediate Representation Alliance and new courses for Linux education.

OSS News: Enterprise Linux, Microsoft Replacements, Fuzzy Linux Solutions

Open-source innovations and the Linux operating system continue to set complacency aside. Here's a roundup of the latest developments from the Linux Foundation, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SoftMaker, and the Google Open Source Security Team.

Tile Product Line Refresh Heats Up Competition in Smart Tracker Market

Item tracker maker Tile refreshed its product line Tuesday and announced it will be introducing a new ultra-wideband product in 2022. "With a longer finding range, louder ring and voice-enabled finding through Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, we're making it even easier for people to quickly find ...

SPDX Becomes New Standard for Open-Source Software, Security

Backed by many of the world's largest companies for more than a decade, the Software Package Data Exchange specification is now an internationally recognized ISO/IEC JTC 1 standard. This comes during a transformational time for software and supply chain security. The Linux Foundation announced Thur...

Unsupported IoT Devices Are Cyber-Trouble Waiting To Happen

Imagine finding out that your neighbor's identity was stolen and their life savings cleaned out by criminals who entered through their 'smart' washing machine. Ridiculous, you say? Well, have you checked your home Wi-Fi network lately? You might have several connected household gadgets and other dev...

Study Warns Easy Access to Cloud Apps Putting Business Data at Risk

Businesses are flocking to software-as-a-service applications as a means to improve the efficiency of their operations and the productivity of their employees, but weak control of access to cloud apps is putting the data of many organizations at risk. According to a study by DoControl, the average 1...


We’re Late Closing the Barn Door on Pegasus

People are freaking out about reports of NSO Group's Pegasus surveillance tool being used to spy on journalists, political dissidents, and other opponents of regimes worldwide. It's disheartening, and worth discussing. But why are we shocked? In Pegasus' case, the game theory is clear: some company ...

Half of IT Pros Say Remote Workers Dodging Security Precautions

Hackers aren't the only ones evading security measures of many organizations. So are their remote workers. In a new report on remote workforce security, 52 percent of the U.S. IT and cybersecurity professionals surveyed revealed they experienced remote workers finding workarounds to their organizati...

Study Finds 100% of Commercial Apps Contain Security Flaws

A number of popular commercial applications in categories ranging from browsers to messaging and meeting apps all contained open-source components with security vulnerabilities, according to new research performed by Osterman Research for GrammaTech. Online meetings and email clients, which contain...

Researchers Track Linux Intrusions to Cryptojacking Gang

Bitdefender security researchers have uncovered a Romanian-based threat group active since at least last year targeting Linux-based machines with weak Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) credentials. The researchers discovered the group was deploying Monero mining malware used to steal cryptocurrency.


Clear Linux* Delivers a Lucid if Limited Vision of Desktop Linux

Intel's Clear Linux* has been on my radar for its ambition to sprint to the head of the pack. While it's certainly not the first distro developed by a tech heavyweight, it's a rare case in which a private company releases a distro with no direct commercial application. It's an experiment to prove wh...

New Open 3D Engine Game-Changing for Developers

The Linux Foundation, Amazon, and more than 20 other gaming companies hope to make open-source game playing more of a win-win technology for both developers and players.

SolarWinds Hackers Still Targeting Microsoft, Focus on Support Staff

Microsoft recently disclosed that it too was no doubt a victim of the same Russian-based hacker gang responsible for the SolarWinds onslaught. As some of the details surrounding the cyberattack become known, the bleak disclosures might justifiably cause a sniffled gasp indicating that if Microsoft c...

IT Heads Wary Big Tech Will Taint Trust in Open Source: Report

A global study of IT business leaders praised the growing merits of open-source software amid concerns that big tech supporters could undermine its open qualities and collaboration. Perhaps one of the main takeaways is the optimism most IT execs feel about the future of open source. But that praise ...

The Linux Foundation Tackles Safe Open Standards for AI Voice Assistants

Organizations are beginning to develop, design, and manage their own voice assistant systems that are independent of today's general-purpose voice platforms. The desire to manage the entirety of the user experience is driving this transition. The Open Voice Network is dedicated to supporting this tr...

Stale Open Source Code Rampant in Commercial Software: Report

Open source software is now the foundation for the vast majority of applications across all industries, however many of those industries are struggling to manage open source risk. Organizations, regardless of industry, must do a better job maintaining open source components given their critical natu...

New Report Profiles Ransomware Cybergangs

That old adage about crime never pays could not be more false, at least when it comes to modern-day cybercriminals. For those bad actors using ransomware as their weapon, crime is paying more than ever. A new report by the eSentire security research team found that six ransomware gangs claimed at le...

Two-Thirds of CISOs Admit They’re Not Ready to Face a Cyberattack

The 2021 edition of Proofpoint's Voice of the CISO report -- based on a survey of more than 1,400 CISOs in 14 countries -- found 66 percent of the executives acknowledged their organizations were unprepared to handle a targeted cyberattack this year. In addition, more than half the CISOs admitted th...

Software Business Driving US Jobs, GDP Growth

The software industry fueled jobs and GDP growth in the United States in 2020, according to a report by the BSA Foundation. The software industry supported more than 15.8 million jobs in 2020. While the largest concentrations of software jobs remain in traditional tech hubs, such as Wa...

Red Hat’s Virtual Summit Airs Latest Linux Technology

Red Hat concluded its April two-day Summit 2021 Virtual Experience with a hefty list of announcements and presentations by the company's innovative customers driving the latest open-source technologies and trends. One of the event's most significant announcements was Red Hat's plan to deliver the fi...

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