

gEdit and Leafpad Make a Good Text-Editing Team

Text editors are becoming more essential in today's Web-based computing world. Gone are the days when users need hard-copy versions of their documents. Also gone are the days when documents need to be gussied up with fancy fonts and fanciful page formatting. Now HTML handles the visual tune ups for ...

Google’s New Android Advocate Comes Out Swinging

Sun Microsystems' loss was Google's gain on Monday, as former Sun guru Tim Bray announced that he's joined Google's Android push in the role of Developer Advocate. "Google and I have been a plausible match for a long time," Bray wrote in a blog post announcing the decision. "Web-centric, check. Sear...

FOSS Dev Gets Damages in Precedent-Setting Model Train Case

After nearly four years of legal battle, a case involving the unauthorized use of open source software last week came to a final conclusion that affirms the legal right of open source developers to collect damages when their code is used improperly. The case of Jacobsen v. Katzer dates back to 2006,...

Report: Linux Gains Ground, Windows Stumbles

Linux inched ahead in the operating-system arena during the final month of 2009, even as Windows and Mac gave up some ground. That's according to research firm Net Applications, which recently released its Market Share report covering operating systems in December. Linux accounted for 1.02 percent o...


The Next Open Source Revolution: The Democratization of BPM

After more than 20 years of evangelization by vendors and consultants, many companies are now fully aware of the benefits of business process management and the value of business process management solutions. These benefits include cost reduction through targeting inefficiencies, improvement of proc...

Go Go Google Programming Language

Google on Tuesday announced an experimental new computer programming language called "Go." This combines the development speed of dynamic languages such as Python with the performance and safety of compiled languages like C or C++, the Internet search giant said. Go is still in the experimental stag...

Yahoo’s Hadoop to Run Free in the Wild

Although it's struggling against both giant rivals like Google and smaller ones like Microsoft's new search venture Bing, Yahoo is handing over the source code for its version of Hadoop to the community. Hadoop, a top-level Apache project, is an open source distributed file system and parallel execu...


Openness, Linux and Mobile Innovation

As the most dynamic and commercial industry on Earth -- which has grown its annual revenues from zero to $1 trillion in less than 25 years and today manages 4 billion consumer relationships -- mobile has propelled itself forward with a highly discriminating attitude toward openness within device tec...


Sun-IBM Deal Just Doesn’t Add Up

Someone has floated a trial balloon, through a leak to The Wall Street Journal, that IBM is in "talks" to buy Sun Microsystems for $6.5 billion. The only party that would leak this information is Sun itself, and it smacks of desperation in trying to thwart an unwanted acquisition, or to positively i...

Cleaning Out the Closet: What to Do With Those Worn-Out Legacy Systems

Many large enterprises still run critical applications on legacy Linux and Unix platforms. Much like the fabled Energizer Bunny, these old computing OSes keep going and going and going. Some of these are not even in production any more. Upgrading these systems is no simple matter, partly because the...

The Search for an Open Source Killer App for Web 2.0

A quiet battle of sorts is taking place behind the scenes in the software industry. Software as a Service and cloud computing have evolved, placing much more attention on Web-based applications. This greater focus has also raised expectations for the services delivered via Web 2.0. The open source s...

Why So Many Java Mugs?

Web developers have many options for the servlet containers they use to host Java apps. Included in these choices are both classic proprietary and a host of open source containers. For the typical Java application developer, the container that holds one or more Java applications together is fairly t...

Ubuntu’s Intrepid Ibex Makes the Leap

Just a few more days. Yes, the U.S. presidential election is a mere week away, but there's another countdown going on. Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition, the Intrepid Ibex release, is set to go live on Thursday. The beta has excited both users and potential users of the popular distro because of its rich ...

The Untapped Open Source Online Gaming Opportunity

Open source software is often an unsung hero in the online gaming universe. Game engines are complex applications with core functionalities provided by numerous modules. These include a rendering engine for 2-D or 3-D graphics and a physics engine or collision detection and response calculator. In a...

Mono 2.0 Spreads .Net to Linux and Mac

For developers who have fallen in love with .Net/C#, but aren't married to running their applications on Windows, the Mono Project aims to let Microsoft .Net-based apps run on Linux and Mac OS X, among several other platforms. Sponsored by Novell, the Mono Project has released Mono 2.0 of its cross-...

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