
Ubuntu’s Hardy Heron Makes Splashy Landing

Months of eager anticipation came to an end Thursday with the long-awaited release of Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Both desktop and server editions of Ubuntu 8.04 were released as free downloads, and both are Long Term Support releases, meaning that they come with commercial support for five years on the ser...

Can Linux Stage a Coup D’Etat?

Give office workers familiar with the Microsoft XP operating system an opportunity to try the same navigational tasks at a Linux-based desktop. Then step back and wait for the reaction. First will come the surprised look. Then questions like "where did the command line go?" will soon follow. That's ...

Who’s Winning the RIA Horse Race?

In the world of Rich Internet Applications, the battle for hearts and minds -- not to mention eyeballs and desktops -- heated up this week when Adobe Systems took the wraps off the beta version of its Adobe Integrated Runtime and slotted it for public release. Adobe AIR, according to the buzz on the...

Inside Firefox 3’s Latest Beta Update, Part 2

Mozilla has been working diligently toward the upcoming final launch of Firefox Version 3.0. With the recent release of the browser's third beta edition, the company's engineers have wrapped up the major challenges and are focused on incremental changes. Now they're working at tweaking the browser i...

Inside Firefox 3’s Latest Beta Update, Part 1

Mozilla is up to its elbows in code as it works toward the final release of the third iteration of its Firefox Web browser. With the launch last week of the browser's third beta version, the open source developer has given some 500,000 developers and testers the go-ahead to put the application throu...

Mozilla Dispatches Firefox Bug Zapper

Mozilla released an update Thursday that corrects several vulnerabilities in the Firefox Web browser. Firefox patches critical flaws that could result in Web browsing history and forward navigation stealing; privilege escalation that could allow cross-site scripting exploits; and crashes wi...

Developers Take Firefox 3 for Test Drive

Mozilla has posted the first public beta of Firefox 3. At the same time, however, Mozilla is warning that the beta is for testing purposes only and not for casual users. Because this beta is targeted at testing core functionality added to the browser, Mozilla notes that some of Firefox 3 Beta 1 is s...

There’s No System Like Linux for the Holidays

The holidays are coming, and there's no better time of year to consider buying a computer for yourself or as a gift. It is also a good time to consider a PC loaded with Linux. What's that you say? Run Linux instead of Microsoft's Windows Vista? Does anybody really do that? In a word, yes. Consumers ...

Security Flaw Doesn’t Discriminate

Linux and Apple OS X users are usually insulated from the security woes of their Microsoft Windows counterparts, but that doesn't seem to be the case with a recent vulnerability involving the handling of Uniform Resource Identifier protocols. Those protocols instruct a browser to perform certain tas...

Mozilla’s Firefox to Trot Onto Mobile Devices

Firefox creator Mozilla is "serious" about creating a version of its browser for use on mobile phones, according to a company official who said the company's goal is to "rock" the mobile Web. Mozilla is constantly being asked about its plans for a mobile browser, Mozilla engineering vice president M...

ARM Lends a Hand to Form Mobile Linux Initiative

Research forecasts that Linux will be the top operating system for mobile computing began to look a little more fully baked with the announcement by ARM that it will collaborate with six vendors to finesse a standards-based, Linux-based platform for next-generation mobile devices. The company, known...

Firefox Fends Off QuickTime Bug Threat

Firefox users had a recent rude awakening about a vulnerability in the way Apple's QuickTime plug-in interacts with their Web browser. Far from grumbling, however, Mozilla supporters say their patch for the vulnerability says more about Mozilla's strengths than its browser's weakness. "It seems that...

Great Linux Sites for Developers

What's a poor, lonely Linux developer to do? Where are all the good support sites? How am I going to fix that troublesome bug? These are questions that even novice code writers no longer have to ask. The classic view of a lonely, isolated programmer writing code for some obscure open source project ...

Mozilla Sends Thunderbird on Solo Flight

The Mozilla Foundation is spinning off its open source e-mail client, Thunderbird, into an independent company. The new company, MailCo, plans to develop Internet communications software "based on the Thunderbird product, code and brand," Mozilla said. David Ascher, CTO of ActiveState, will lead th...

KHTML vs. Gecko vs. Trident vs. Presto: Behind the Browser

When a Web surfer clicks on an icon to launch his or her favorite Web browser, only the geekiest of the geeky pay any thought to which engine layout is at work. The typical Web user has no clue that a different browser choice may also include a different browser layout engine. If anything, most Inte...

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