
Results 1-20 of 56 for Jonathan Terrasi.

Crafting Advanced DNS Configurations on Linux

This installment will start by fleshing out how systemd-resolved routes queries. From there, I will outline how to configure DNS on a per-link basis. To close, I will reflect on why it’s so difficult to get simple, consistent, and actionable information on this subject.


Be It Resolved: Systemd Shall Serve DNS

Our topic today is configuring desktop Linux DNS settings. It’s simple in principle and can yield privacy, security, and availability benefits. Yet despite how straightforward it is in theory and historically was in practice, customizing your device’s DNS is no longer an intuitive matter.


The Last Digitally-Free Nation on Earth

Because of the uniquely strong protection of individual liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and a key legal precedent established by the courts, the United States is the only place I’m aware of in which Linux would remain freely accessible.

When Betting on Linux Security, Look at the Big Picture

Exploring the landscape of Linux desktop security, Jonathan Terrasi delves into the vulnerabilities of IoT devices, the focus on Linux servers for attacks, and why Linux remains a more secure albeit less popular operating system.


If Only Documentation Looked as Clean as the Code

What makes good documentation? Fundamentally it's about organization and ease of visual tracking. Here are some manifestations of that, in no particular order.

Linux? What Linux? It Just Works

Let's explore what makes Linux work so well that users aren't even conscious that they've opted out of the desktop operating system duopoly.

Not All Linux Systems Are Created Equal, but They’re All Equally Linux

Linux isn't any one thing, yet it also is. Its ability to mold itself to its hardware and use case context while maintaining a consistent internal structure is what Linux is.


Unix Basics It Pays To Know

It pays to know these Unix basics considering there is often a Unix/Unix-like OS somewhere in the abstraction hierarchy. If that layer is unsound, the whole edifice risks collapse.

Cognitive Skills for Engineering Success

The primacy of critical thinking is such a worn-out aphorism that most people whom I prompt to scrutinize it are inured to it. That shouldn’t lead anyone to mistakenly believe it isn’t indispensable, though.


Don’t Become a Fool in the IT Gold Rush

To give back to computer science education in a small way, I'd like to share my observations about determining the quality of instructional resources. Hopefully, those of you treading a similar path will learn the easy way what I learned the hard way.

Start Here When Things Go Wrong on Your Linux System

If you’ve run any operating system for any length of time, you will probably have encountered strange phenomena. Here are a few routes you can traverse to track down suspicious behavior on your Linux system.


Computers Use Processes, So Should You

Writing about technology over the years I've produced many guides on how to do cool stuff with your computer. However, without the right foundation, even the most thorough guide can leave room for pesky variables to creep in. This made me realize how important it is to establish what firm footing fo...


We’re Late Closing the Barn Door on Pegasus

People are freaking out about reports of NSO Group's Pegasus surveillance tool being used to spy on journalists, political dissidents, and other opponents of regimes worldwide. It's disheartening, and worth discussing. But why are we shocked? In Pegasus' case, the game theory is clear: some company ...


Clear Linux* Delivers a Lucid if Limited Vision of Desktop Linux

Intel's Clear Linux* has been on my radar for its ambition to sprint to the head of the pack. While it's certainly not the first distro developed by a tech heavyweight, it's a rare case in which a private company releases a distro with no direct commercial application. It's an experiment to prove wh...


Bolt-On Security the Linux Way

In this piece, I aim to provide a range of simple but effective options for encrypting a small number of files. In particular, these options are salient for use cases like tax filing, where users are sending sensitive documents to recipients with an unknown degree of technical proficiency. Fond as I...

A Linux Safari to Classify the Genus of This Penguin

Recently, I took an interest in poking at Gentoo a bit. In the eyes of many desktop Linux users, it's considered a rite of passage to install this historically significant distribution. This curiosity sent me on a much more interesting Linux safari to explore what truly differentiates distributions....


Once the Big Tech Battler, Open Source Is Now Big Tech’s Battleground

A cadre of tech giants have created the Rust Foundation. This is neither the first nor largest contribution to an open-source project by private tech vendors. Still, the creation of this new body marks another noteworthy instance in which proprietary software companies took the initiative to found a...

The ‘Unix Way’ Has a Right Way That’s Almost a Lost Way

As I study tech sector innovations, I see signs that the old traditions are fading. I'm not one to sanctify tradition for tradition's sake, but I see merit in maintaining a traditional approach to computing tasks that encourages shrewdness. To illustrate what I mean, these are some ways we are stray...

Where Will the Penguin March From Here?

Linux began its life as a humble experiment in Unix porting, but from there it quickly became a popular kernel for server OSes due to its low cost and customizability. From there it morphed to power network appliances and Android, proving it was lean enough for a whole gamut of embedded systems. It'...


3 Helpful Networking Projects for Your Raspberry Pi

In spite of being a beloved companion to computer hobbyists the world over, the Raspberry Pi doesn't get enough credit. In fact, single-board computers of all stripes haven't gotten their due -- I just happen to have a Raspberry Pi.

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