
Results 101-120 of 2939 for Linux.

Windows 365 No Deal for Non-Biz Linux Users

Microsoft's new Cloud PC with Windows 10/11 service potentially offers a way for some Linux users to sidestep what could be the last barrier for businesses to adopt the Linux desktop without leaving behind must-have Windows applications. But if you lack a company's backing, for the time being you ca...

30 Years Later, the Trajectory of Linux Is Star Bound

Today the Linux community is estimated to be 86 million users strong. It has become the backbone of large enterprises and is installed in government systems and embedded in devices worldwide. As people around the world celebrate and discuss 30 years of Linux, the focus, rightly so, is on supercomput...

Happy 30th Anniversary Linux! How We Got To Know Ya

August 25 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of a free computer operating system that revolutionized nearly every industry and helped spread the open-source movement globally. Today, Linux is everywhere in industry as it dominates servers and networking; is the driving force behind cloud comp...

30 Years of Linux History Told via Distros

Linux entered the world of technology with little more than a kernel to call its own. That was the intent of a young computer science student from Helsinki named Linus Torvalds in doing this personal fun project. In 1991, he created code that would become the basis for a completely new approach to o...


MakuluLinux Shifts Designs for a Better Linux Experience

MakuluLinux Shift is a well-designed Linux distro that blends several mainstream design concepts with performance features not found elsewhere. One of Shift's most unique features, which is greatly expanded in this latest version, is the ability to modify major design elements effortlessly. Hence, i...

Researchers Track Linux Intrusions to Cryptojacking Gang

Bitdefender security researchers have uncovered a Romanian-based threat group active since at least last year targeting Linux-based machines with weak Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) credentials. The researchers discovered the group was deploying Monero mining malware used to steal cryptocurrency.


Clear Linux* Delivers a Lucid if Limited Vision of Desktop Linux

Intel's Clear Linux* has been on my radar for its ambition to sprint to the head of the pack. While it's certainly not the first distro developed by a tech heavyweight, it's a rare case in which a private company releases a distro with no direct commercial application. It's an experiment to prove wh...

New Open 3D Engine Game-Changing for Developers

The Linux Foundation, Amazon, and more than 20 other gaming companies hope to make open-source game playing more of a win-win technology for both developers and players.

IT Heads Wary Big Tech Will Taint Trust in Open Source: Report

A global study of IT business leaders praised the growing merits of open-source software amid concerns that big tech supporters could undermine its open qualities and collaboration. Perhaps one of the main takeaways is the optimism most IT execs feel about the future of open source. But that praise ...

The Linux Foundation Tackles Safe Open Standards for AI Voice Assistants

Organizations are beginning to develop, design, and manage their own voice assistant systems that are independent of today's general-purpose voice platforms. The desire to manage the entirety of the user experience is driving this transition. The Open Voice Network is dedicated to supporting this tr...


MakuluLinux Core Now Built on Forked Gnome

MakuluLinux is an ever-changing family of Linux desktops built on its own base around several heavily modified desktop environments. Core, the latest release, is an evolutionary redesign well worth trying. Most distribution maintainers focus on annual or semi-annual OS updates. MakuluLinux creator J...

Stale Open Source Code Rampant in Commercial Software: Report

Open source software is now the foundation for the vast majority of applications across all industries, however many of those industries are struggling to manage open source risk. Organizations, regardless of industry, must do a better job maintaining open source components given their critical natu...


Garuda Desktops Put a New Spin on Linux Looks

The Linux operating system is many things to many users. It is not a one-size-must-fit-all computing platform like Microsoft and Apple provide. A prime example of Linux's wide range of functionalities is easily found in Garuda Linux. Not typically available in mainstream distributions, its large ass...


Bolt-On Security the Linux Way

In this piece, I aim to provide a range of simple but effective options for encrypting a small number of files. In particular, these options are salient for use cases like tax filing, where users are sending sensitive documents to recipients with an unknown degree of technical proficiency. Fond as I...

The Great OS Replacement: How to Find the Best Linux Distribution

Picking the ideal Linux distribution takes research and planning. Not because Linux is a challenge. Rather, the Linux OS offers a seemingly unending selection of distributions to meet general computing as well as special needs for enterprise, SMBs, and personal use.

Red Hat’s Virtual Summit Airs Latest Linux Technology

Red Hat concluded its April two-day Summit 2021 Virtual Experience with a hefty list of announcements and presentations by the company's innovative customers driving the latest open-source technologies and trends. One of the event's most significant announcements was Red Hat's plan to deliver the fi...

Open Source Joins Efforts to Create Gene Therapies for Rare Diseases

Some 400 million patients worldwide are affected by more than 7,000 rare diseases; yet treatments for rare genetic diseases remain an underserved area. The father of a boy born with a rare disease created the RareCamp project and the OpenTreatments Foundation to enable patients to create gene therap...


New Netrunner 21.01 ‘XOXO’ Worthy of Hugs and Kisses

When I last visited the ever-changing Netrunner distribution, I said that Netrunner Linux still went its own way. That was its twentieth rebirthday upgrade over its then 10-year history in late February 2020. The same is true for Netrunner 21.01 XOXO -- now with more modern trappings. This new relea...

A Linux Safari to Classify the Genus of This Penguin

Recently, I took an interest in poking at Gentoo a bit. In the eyes of many desktop Linux users, it's considered a rite of passage to install this historically significant distribution. This curiosity sent me on a much more interesting Linux safari to explore what truly differentiates distributions....

Google’s Vested Interest in Linux Security

Google is now paying developers more money to work on securing their Linux kernels this year. The gesture may well be the start of the company's bid to enforce a tighter grip on open source. Google's action comes on the heels of rising threats to Linux that unfolded in the last year, as hackers pivo...

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