
Results 1-20 of 849 for Intel.

Post-Open Licensing Could Offer Software Devs Funding Alternatives

The open-source community faces pressing challenges with licensing and revenue, prompting a shift toward more sustainable and clearly defined models to protect and advance its foundational principles.

Open-Source Experts’ 2024 Outlook for AI, Security, Sustainability

There is little doubt among experts in the field that 2024 will primarily focus on better hardening open-source software in general. With its growing dominance in software development, enterprises can no longer afford to overlook open source, as it is everywhere.

AI Will Have a Transformative Impact on Software Development in 2024

In a tech landscape brimming with anticipation, 2024 promises a paradigm shift for developers worldwide.


LinDoz Returns With Advanced AI To Revamp the MakuluLinux Lineup

LinDoz, a sidelined MakuluLinux distro that made an ideal Windows-to-Linux crossover, welcomes the new year with artificial intelligence and virtual camera powers.


The Last Digitally-Free Nation on Earth

Because of the uniquely strong protection of individual liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and a key legal precedent established by the courts, the United States is the only place I’m aware of in which Linux would remain freely accessible.

AI Expert Claims Big Tech Using Fear of AI To Scare Up Profits

Big Tech leaders are exaggerating the existential threat AI poses to humanity to solidify their market shares through government regulation, a leading figure in artificial intelligence told an Australian financial publication Monday.

Wind River Linux Drives New Solutions for Software-Defined Vehicles

Mainstream consumers typically do not know the Linux operating system powers their email service, favorite websites, television sets, and even their mobile phones and computers in some cases. Now, Wind River Linux is making inroads into the operation of electric-powered cars.


More Linux Malware Means More Linux Monitoring

TuxCare technical evangelist Joao Correia highlights the perils of delayed system patching in Linux environments, offering vital advice to prevent ransomware attacks and data breaches.


New MakuluLinux Release Brings AI to the Max

The first beta release of MakuluLinux Max puts artificial intelligence inside everyday desktop usage. Max's AI entity Electra could well be the start of a new type of innovation adopted by other distribution developers. It raises the bar on what Linux users should expect from their computing platfor...

AI ‘Hallucinations’ Can Become an Enterprise Security Nightmare

Researchers reveal a novel security risk as hackers exploit generative AI's 'hallucinations' to deliver malicious code into a company's development environment, posing a growing threat to enterprise security.


Red Hat Summit Targets Fixing Open-Source Code Flaws

A significant portion of the focus for the Red Hat Software Summit held in Boston this week are three core products designed to meet the growing demands for better software security and government regulations requiring enhanced application security across all industries.

Linux Foundation Takes on Metaverse, Physical World Mapping Challenges

The Linux Foundation, one of the primary driving forces behind the continuing growth of open-source technology, is turning its attention to developing a better metaverse and creating a living digital record of the physical world.

Cyber Forecast for 2023 and Beyond: Hang on for a Bumpy Digital Ride

2023 might be a volatile year for cybersecurity officers as they deal with the pressures of maintaining a ridged security posture while also dodging the bullet of blame when attacks are successful.

How To Run a Full Linux Desktop on a Chromebook

Do you want to run a full Linux desktop installation on your Chromebook without giving up ChromeOS? This alteration will give you access to both complete operating systems running simultaneously so you can move between them with a keyboard shortcut.


2023: Year of the Software Developer

Software developers should be thrilled with this year's potential. Yoav Abrahami, chief architect and head of Velo at Wix Code discussed with TechNewsWorld why he sees such a rosy prospect for 2023. 

Linux Malware Rates Rise to Record Levels Amid Hacker Inconsistency

While Linux malware reached never-before-seen numbers in 2022, the total number of new malware developments among other major computing platforms fell.


Fastly Commitment, Failing Office, Free Replacements Advance Open Source

Open source received some inciting financial commitments from the folks at Fastly -- and non-monetary help is also flowing freely. Read on to learn the details of the latest open-source industry news.


A New SBOM Tool, OpenSSL Fixes, GitHub Flaw, Software Supply Chain Help

Troubles with software supply chain safety have recently grabbed a chunk of negative headline space. That, plus the latest open-source industry news.

Compelling Tech Products To Put on Your Holiday Shopping Radar

It's the time of year when I'm fortunate enough to evaluate new tech products that I believe merit attention. Keep in mind that my comments are not intended as deep-dive reviews but as initial impressions to spur you to do further investigation and research.

Massive Typosquatting Racket Pushes Malware at Windows, Android Users

A large-scale phishing attack built on typosquatting is targeting Windows and Android users with malware. The campaign currently underway uses more than 200 typosquatting domains that impersonate 27 brands to trick web surfers into downloading malicious software to their computers and phones.

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