
Researchers reveal a novel security risk as hackers exploit generative AI's 'hallucinations' to deliver malicious code into a company's development environment, posing a growing threat to enterprise security.

Let's explore what makes Linux work so well that users aren't even conscious that they've opted out of the desktop operating system duopoly.

A significant portion of the focus for the Red Hat Software Summit held in Boston this week are three core products designed to meet the growing demands for better software security and government regulations requiring enhanced application security across all industries.

Google is coming to the foldable market late -- although not as late as Apple, which doesn't have a foldable yet -- but it's taking advantage of its timing by targeting some of the perceived deficiencies of the Galaxy Fold.

There's a growing trend among Linux developers and users who are gravitating toward independent distributions that provide unique solutions, the autonomy to modify code, and independence from the constraints of established base Linux distributions' dependencies.

This latest release is significant for enterprise users and consumers alike. For enterprises, it steps up deployment and customization at scale, and for consumers, it provides a desktop option missing from Ubuntu's collection -- Cinnamon.

New cyber research connects the infamous North Korea-aligned Lazarus Group behind the Linux malware attack called Operation DreamJob to the 3CX supply-chain attack.

CachyOS is more than just a fun name to grab potential users' attention. It reflects an effort to do what most Arch Linux distributions fail to achieve by turning its parent base into a beginner-friendly operating system that also satisfies the needs of seasoned Linux users.

The Linux Foundation, one of the primary driving forces behind the continuing growth of open-source technology, is turning its attention to developing a better metaverse and creating a living digital record of the physical world.

Companies that established open-source program offices over the last few years now need more C-suite oversight to drive education, awareness, and use of open-source software. That sets the stage for an expanded role of open-source program officers.

How Puppy Linux Saved the Day

A work-at-home neighbor, meaning someone with no tech support handy, suffered a seriously malfunctioning computer just hours before a work project was due. Yes, it was Windows!

Linux isn't any one thing, yet it also is. Its ability to mold itself to its hardware and use case context while maintaining a consistent internal structure is what Linux is.

2023 might be a volatile year for cybersecurity officers as they deal with the pressures of maintaining a ridged security posture while also dodging the bullet of blame when attacks are successful.

Do you want to run a full Linux desktop installation on your Chromebook without giving up ChromeOS? This alteration will give you access to both complete operating systems running simultaneously so you can move between them with a keyboard shortcut.

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