

Crafting Advanced DNS Configurations on Linux

This installment will start by fleshing out how systemd-resolved routes queries. From there, I will outline how to configure DNS on a per-link basis. To close, I will reflect on why it’s so difficult to get simple, consistent, and actionable information on this subject.


Be It Resolved: Systemd Shall Serve DNS

Our topic today is configuring desktop Linux DNS settings. It’s simple in principle and can yield privacy, security, and availability benefits. Yet despite how straightforward it is in theory and historically was in practice, customizing your device’s DNS is no longer an intuitive matter.


Unix Basics It Pays To Know

It pays to know these Unix basics considering there is often a Unix/Unix-like OS somewhere in the abstraction hierarchy. If that layer is unsound, the whole edifice risks collapse.


Computers Use Processes, So Should You

Writing about technology over the years I've produced many guides on how to do cool stuff with your computer. However, without the right foundation, even the most thorough guide can leave room for pesky variables to creep in. This made me realize how important it is to establish what firm footing fo...


Bolt-On Security the Linux Way

In this piece, I aim to provide a range of simple but effective options for encrypting a small number of files. In particular, these options are salient for use cases like tax filing, where users are sending sensitive documents to recipients with an unknown degree of technical proficiency. Fond as I...


3 Helpful Networking Projects for Your Raspberry Pi

In spite of being a beloved companion to computer hobbyists the world over, the Raspberry Pi doesn't get enough credit. In fact, single-board computers of all stripes haven't gotten their due -- I just happen to have a Raspberry Pi.


Get No-Fuss File-Level Crypto With Fscrypt

This piece is a demonstration of one means of setting up file-level encryption which is widely available for Linux desktop users. To offer a similar encryption scheme to as many users as possible, we'll walk through how to use fscrypt to create an encrypted filesystem. While simple, fscrypt offers m...


Digital Security Is as Easy as PGP

Average computer users would be forgiven for not having any idea what PGP is. There is so much going on below the surface of the modern computing experience that even critically important security tools like PGP are tucked away. To be sure, there are specialized circles that make regular explicit us...


How to Distro Hop With a Web Browser

Getting familiar with Linux up close and personal is easy to do with a free service provided by, which allows testing without ISO downloads or local installations. Are you a wandering Linux distro hopper looking for a way to streamline the selection process? Are you a Windows or macOS...


Overcoming Your Terror of Arch Linux

A recent episode of a Linux news podcast I keep up with featured an interview with a journalist who had written a piece for a non-Linux audience about giving it a try. It was surprisingly widely read. The writer's experience with some of the more popular desktop distributions had been overwhelmingly...


Changing Up Your Linux Distro

It's common for Linux users to hop between distributions and survey the field, and I recently reached a point where I had to seriously rethink the one I was using most of the time. Between hardware compatibility issues with my old standby and some discouraging missteps with other go-to choices, I fe...


When It’s Time for a Linux Distro Change

It's common for Linux users to hop between distributions and survey the field, and I recently reached a point where I had to seriously rethink the one I was using most of the time. Between hardware compatibility issues with my old standby and some discouraging missteps with other go-to choices, I fe...


Open Up the Source Code to Lock Down Your Data

Meaningful security is more than an app or an OS. It's a mindset. Linux security tools by themselves will not make you or anyone more secure. Security requires trade-offs in convenience, so the tools I'll highlight here are not recommended as "daily drivers." Only you can determine your ideal balanc...


With Linux, You Don’t Get One Kernel of Truth… You Get Many

As much as I love to poke at the inner workings of my computer, I'll admit that until recently, I didn't give much thought to which version of the Linux kernel my desktop system was running. For most desktop users, this isn't odd. Compatibility of kernel modules is often critical for servers and pro...

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