
Samsung Makes Android SAFE for IT

Samsung's forthcoming Galaxy S III smartphone will be the company's first device to be officially branded and sold under its new SAFE program. SAFE stands for "Samsung Approved for Enterprise." The Galaxy S III will be available in the U.S. from Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and U.S.

Road-Tripping With Linux

Multimedia infotainment devices are a hot seller in today's automotive market and can be the deciding factor in which vehicle a customer ultimately chooses. The automotive infotainment market has successfully navigated the initial wave of consumer devices invading the automobile, offering basic conn...


Red Hat Gets Into Mischief

As Red Hat and its JBoss unit ramp up their SOA (service-oriented architectures) offerings and capabilities, they are re-emerging as a powerful mischief-maker to the established commercial vendors -- this time on the subject of data lifecycle in the age of SOA. However, there soon could be much more...

Linux Developers Lean Toward IBM’s Power Platform

IBM announced this week that 372 new Linux on Power applications were released in 2006, yielding a total of 2,500 tested Linux-based solutions available for the Power processor platform. In addition, Big Blue announced the latest Linux on Power application, the Sybase Unwired Accelerator, which offe...

Eclipse Adds Borland, BEA, Sybase to Growing Roster

On the eve of the second annual EclipseCon2005 user group meeting this week, Eclipse Foundation founding member Borland Software has announced it will take a seat on the organization's board of directors and new members are joining the group's roster. Eclipse is an open platform for tool integration...

Navigating Open-Source Licenses Can Be Tough Task

In a matter of just a few years, open-source software has gone from the back room and skunk works to serious contender for corporate budget dollars. No longer is open source just an academic and hobbyist pursuit. Major technology vendors have taken note of its evolution and want to ensure they have ...

IBM Challenges Sun, HP with Entry-Level Linux Server

IBM is set to tackle the entry-level server market next month with the release of its two-way OpenPower 710. The RISC-based open-source server is designed to compete head-to-head with Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems servers for Unix and Linux, but Illuminata analyst Gordon Haff told LinuxInside...

Pervasive Software Builds on Open Source with Postgres

Pervasive Software has recently joined a burgeoning field of database vendors looking to capitalize on the open-source boom by way of commercial solutions. Best known as a seasoned veteran of database infrastructure management solutions, Pervasive is now looking to take advantage of PostgreSQL's sol...

IBM To Market Sybase Open-Source Database Software

Sybase said today that it has struck a deal with IBM in which Big Blue will market and distribute Sybase's Linux database management software. IBM will market the Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) solution from Sybase for use on its eServer OpenPower platform. The customized version of the software i...

IBM Upgrades ‘Stinger’ Database for Linux, Unix

IBM announced Wednesday that it is rolling out a new version of its database software for Linux and Unix customers. The DB2 Universal Database version 8.2, code-named Stinger, is designed to streamline administrative tasks and will be available September 17. Stinger also has the potential to boost I...

Sybase Offers Database to Linux Community

Enterprise infrastructure and wireless software provider Sybase announced on Wednesday that it will be offering the first free deployment version of Sybase ASE Express Edition for Linux, an enterprise-class Linux database. With the introduction of this edition, the company notes that enterprises, th...


Software Vulnerabilities and the Future of Liability Reform

If you were to make up your own list of the top 10 issues likely to affect computing over the next five to 10 years, would you include liability reform in the American legal system? I think you should, even if you live, as I do, in Canada or some other country where American law doesn't apply direct...

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