
Enterprise Sponsors and the Open Source Community: An Uneasy Symbiosis?

Not many years ago, the open source software ecosystem and proprietary models might have been thought of as incompatible. About 10 years ago, though, the two systems began converging. IBM began to support Linux, providing what many analysts described as "legitimacy" to the fledging operating system ...

The Search for an Open Source Killer App for Web 2.0

A quiet battle of sorts is taking place behind the scenes in the software industry. Software as a Service and cloud computing have evolved, placing much more attention on Web-based applications. This greater focus has also raised expectations for the services delivered via Web 2.0. The open source s...

Is Firefox Fit for Enterprise Duty?

Enterprise application whitelisting company Bit9 launched an attention-getting press release last week, a document which merely bubbled for a few days until the recent Internet Explorer flaw took center stage and Mozilla pushed out a few Firefox updates. Eventually, the heat under the issue boiled o...

Mozilla Boosts Stealth, Speed in New Firefox Beta

Mozilla released the second beta for its Firefox 3.1 Web browser to testers Monday. The latest release comes just seven weeks after the open source software maker launched the first beta of the version currently in the works. "So, even before the release of Firefox 3, we'd already been working on wh...

Devs Test Drive Firefox 3.1 Beta

Mozilla on Tuesday released the first beta of the next version of its browser, Firefox 3.1. The beta includes an enhanced Smart Location Bar, a new tab interface and what should be a faster JavaScript engine, dubbed "TraceMonkey." Developers also included improved Web standards in the Gecko layout e...

Will Chrome Find a Home With SaaS?

It didn't take long for NetSuite to cozy up to Google. Shortly after the Web conglomerate rolled out its open source browser Chrome last month, the SaaS suite provider announced its support. NetSuite was also the first vendor to announce support for the iPhone and for Firefox 3.0, Mini Peres, NetSui...


Open Source to Go

The age of mobile computing is upon us. Small form-factor laptops, even smaller netbooks and smartphones keep us continuously connected with colleagues, family, friends and our bosses around the clock. These mobile gadgets make it possible to take all of our data with us wherever we go. Mobile techn...

Mozilla Introduces New Ubiquity Mashup Machine

Mozilla Labs launched a new prototype Tuesday aimed at giving Internet users new ways to create mashups of online content. Dubbed "Ubiquity," the technology is Mozilla's solution what it sees as a common and time-consuming problem Web surfers face when they try to compile information from the Web. "...

Firefox to Gulp JavaScript Faster With New TraceMonkey Feature

Mozilla has announced the launch of a new feature for its Firefox Web browser designed to make it perform faster. Called "TraceMonkey," the feature is an evolution of Firefox's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine and will be built into Firefox 3.1, according to the company. To increase JavaScript speeds ...

Firefox Wraps Tail Around Ogg Video Format

Mozilla is making a move toward open Web standards with its upcoming Firefox 3.1 release. The software -- now available in test builds -- will support the Ogg Theora video codec, the company revealed at its summit in British Columbia last week. The inclusion of the Ogg Theora codec means users will ...

Security Wonks Reveal Holes in Firefox Straight Out of the Gate

As Mozilla went after a Guinness World Record for the most downloads in a 24-hour period with its release of Firefox 3, it didn't take security researchers long to drop a bomb on all the browsing fun. TippingPoint's DVLabs reported that its Zero Day Initiative program received a critical vulnerabili...


Firefox 3: Good Browsers Come to Those Who Wait

Tuesday was D-Day for Mozilla with the scheduled launch of the third version of Firefox, its open source Web browser. The company had billed the day as "Download Day" and aimed its sights on setting a Guinness World Record for the most downloads of an application in a 24-hour period. Over the weeken...

Facebook’s Open Platform Gamble

The recent Facebook rumors have come true -- the social networking company is making much of its third-party application development platform open source. The company announced the change one year after it launched Facebook Platform. "On the anniversary of our platform launch, we want to give back t...

Firefox Inches Closer to V3 With First Release Candidate

Mozilla is creeping ever closer to dropping the final version of the much-anticipated Firefox 3 Web browser. The latest build is the first Release Candidate for Firefox 3, which means it's gone beyond the beta stage and is picking up a couple of last-minute polishes before it's offered up live to th...

Sun’s OpenSolaris to Shine Through Amazon’s Cloud

Sun Microsystems and the OpenSolaris community it created a few years ago have officially released the Unix-based OpenSolaris operating system into the wild. The two organizations shared the news at the CommunityOne Developer Conference Monday in San Francisco. OpenSolaris is based on Sun's Solaris ...

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