
Results 1-20 of 485 for ASP.

Post-Open Licensing Could Offer Software Devs Funding Alternatives

The open-source community faces pressing challenges with licensing and revenue, prompting a shift toward more sustainable and clearly defined models to protect and advance its foundational principles.

What To Do if Your Linux Server Has Been Hacked

In this guide, we’ll cover some basic steps to take in the wake of a hack, including isolating your server from the network and making a copy of drives so you can have professionals investigate the nature and extent of the breach.


Rhino Linux Unleashes First Rolling Release Ubuntu Stable Edition

Rhino Linux 2023.1 introduces a hybrid-like distribution with rolling releases, merging the reliability of Ubuntu with a sleek design.

More Fintech Players Cashing in on Open-Source Offerings

The financial industry has historically been conservative when it comes to software development, especially when it comes to picking open-source applications over proprietary code. That caution is softening as more financial companies are now embracing open source.


If Only Documentation Looked as Clean as the Code

What makes good documentation? Fundamentally it's about organization and ease of visual tracking. Here are some manifestations of that, in no particular order.

AppSec, Devs Clash Flags Need for Paradigm Shift in Software Industry

There is a notable increase in tension between application security workers and application developers over consensus on cloud-native needs, in addition to a growing concern about retaining developer talent in this context.


New MakuluLinux Release Brings AI to the Max

The first beta release of MakuluLinux Max puts artificial intelligence inside everyday desktop usage. Max's AI entity Electra could well be the start of a new type of innovation adopted by other distribution developers. It raises the bar on what Linux users should expect from their computing platfor...


Red Hat Summit Targets Fixing Open-Source Code Flaws

A significant portion of the focus for the Red Hat Software Summit held in Boston this week are three core products designed to meet the growing demands for better software security and government regulations requiring enhanced application security across all industries.

Google Taking Pre-Orders for Its First Foldable Phone

Google is coming to the foldable market late -- although not as late as Apple, which doesn't have a foldable yet -- but it's taking advantage of its timing by targeting some of the perceived deficiencies of the Galaxy Fold.

Not All Linux Systems Are Created Equal, but They’re All Equally Linux

Linux isn't any one thing, yet it also is. Its ability to mold itself to its hardware and use case context while maintaining a consistent internal structure is what Linux is.

Cyber Forecast for 2023 and Beyond: Hang on for a Bumpy Digital Ride

2023 might be a volatile year for cybersecurity officers as they deal with the pressures of maintaining a ridged security posture while also dodging the bullet of blame when attacks are successful.

Linux Malware Rates Rise to Record Levels Amid Hacker Inconsistency

While Linux malware reached never-before-seen numbers in 2022, the total number of new malware developments among other major computing platforms fell.

Compelling Tech Products To Put on Your Holiday Shopping Radar

It's the time of year when I'm fortunate enough to evaluate new tech products that I believe merit attention. Keep in mind that my comments are not intended as deep-dive reviews but as initial impressions to spur you to do further investigation and research.


Free Ubuntu Subscriptions, Some Pause Open Source, New ‘Undistro’

Ubuntu Linux users can now grab some free security help to make keeping up with patches and maintenance easier, data scientists express open-source security concerns, and Chainguard has launched the first Linux OS developed for supply chain security.


Unix Basics It Pays To Know

It pays to know these Unix basics considering there is often a Unix/Unix-like OS somewhere in the abstraction hierarchy. If that layer is unsound, the whole edifice risks collapse.


Linux Mint 21 Release Brings Reviewer a Welcome Reunion

My Linux reviewing wanderlust got the best of me with the release of Linux Mint 21, as I was curious about what I might be missing. I discovered quite a few features that my current Cinnamon edition does not offer.


Coding Vulnerabilities, Linux Growth, FOSS Friction Cap Summer Highlights

Canonical and Microsoft reached a new agreement to make their two cloud platforms play nicer together. Meanwhile, Microsoft apologized to open-source software devs. But no apology was rendered for BitLocker locking out Linux users. Get caught up on the latest OSS news.


Linux Spreads, Nvidia Now Part Open-Source, Backup Tool Gets More Time

Microsoft continues to supplement its Windows and cloud platforms with more of its own “borrowed” Linux roots. The developing symbiotic “WindLux” integration could spawn an open-source hybrid of Windows on Linux. Might this be a new pathway for the growing popularity of cross...

Cognitive Skills for Engineering Success

The primacy of critical thinking is such a worn-out aphorism that most people whom I prompt to scrutinize it are inured to it. That shouldn’t lead anyone to mistakenly believe it isn’t indispensable, though.


KYY 15.6″ Portable Monitor Packs Value With a Healthy Feature Set

The KYY 15.6-inch portable monitor is a classy and functional portable monitor that works well while traveling or as a permanent second monitor for home and office use.

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